We have games twice a week, and this week we added in an extra practice. Don't forget that we still have homework, scouts and piano lessons. All of that makes for a busy week and tired boys. Before we were even getting uniforms on, Draven asked to stay home - NOT a good sign...
We made it to the game and we were making it through the game (both really good things considering everything else). All the boys on our team were having a tough time and the other team was really good and EXTREMELY competitive (as a little side note - I am SOOOO thankful that the boys haven't had a coach like that. I am glad my boys get to learn how to be on a team and not get jerky when things aren't going the way they want). Draven is one of the smallest and most inexperienced players on the team so he spends a lot of time in the outfield. There's not really a ton of action in right field and so Draven finds ways to entertain h
Notice the kid sitting down in the back of the picture? That's my little guy - I can't really blame him though, it's boring sometimes. So, he was sitting in the outfield when a boy from the other team just nailed it and it came sailing directly into - you guessed it - right field, where Draven was on his butt! Parents in the bleachers were saying "the right fielder was sitting?!?!" and I wanted to say "well of course he was - nothing was happening!" Instead, I just bit my lip and watched as my son got up and started running after the ball. He retrieved the ball from the fence line and then threw it to first. This whole time remember that the batter is running the bases, rounding them and heading for home to score. The first baseman throws it to home and got it there seconds before the runner, the catcher tags the runner and he's out! It was miraculous! It was beautiful! I was SO proud.
After the game we did talk about following the game that you're playing, standing up when you're playing a position and maybe most importantly, doing what the coach says (like standing up!) when he tells you to do something.
We only have a few weeks left and I'm sure we'll make it!
You're such a good mom! And your kids will look back on all of this and be grateful for the wonderful mom who raised them!