Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swim Lessons

Today we (meaning the wimpy ones in our home) got in the pool for the first time this year. Ken and the boys have already been swimming a few different times, but I prefer to wait to get in the water until the water's in the 90's.

This afternoon I was so hot I couldn't stand myself. So my sweet husband suggested I go cool off in the pool. Emma and I got ready and headed out. The water was cool (and by cool, I mean it takes your breath away!) but we were out and I was still hot.

I got in and stood on the step and let Emma stick her feet in the water to get used to it. I was pretty impressed with my method to get Emma comfortable in the water. I let her set the pace. I'd put her feet in and then when she was ready, I let her sit a little. By the time we were done, about an hour or so later, she was chillin' in her pool floaty and just loving it!

I told Ken that once the water warms up some more, we'll get her used to having her face in the water too - but again, I'm going to let her set the pace. I'm excited that it looks like she's going to be a little water-baby!

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