Thursday, April 30, 2009


This morning I got a call from my good friend Jan. She's in town for her god-child's wedding; had some free time and wondered if I could meet for lunch. I was so thrilled to hear from her and I was especially glad that I had a free afternoon to spend catching up with her.

I met Jan two years ago while attending Impact Training in Utah. Jan saw me fall in love with Ken and marry the man of my dreams. Jan saw the best time of my life (that far).

Today we talked about her life and mine -- all the changes that have happened for us both over the years, the joy, the struggles, the growth. It was wonderful and perfect! What impressed me the most was realizing how much I loved my husband after spending time talking with Jan. Visiting with Jan reminded me of just how blessed I am in all aspects of my life, but particularly in the fact that I married my Prince Charming and I am more in love than I ever thought possible. Jan, thank you for taking the time to see me today - it blessed my life immensely.

Something to Inspire

These flowers are from some plants in our yard. They are so fresh and beautiful. New life - there's nothing more inspiring!

I'm not sure if that's the most accurate way to describe the way I feel, but it's pretty close. It's almost May, school will be out soon and I'll have three kids to contend with all day. There will be friends, swimming, crafts (if I get my butt in gear) and of course boredom. What kid's summer would be complete without it?

With these thoughts swirling in my head, I looked out the kitchen window and remembered how blessed I am. When Ken and I got married we briefly talked about living in his two bedroom townhouse. Once we got back from our honeymoon in Vegas and I'd moved in a weeks worth of clothes and toiletries -- that's when Ken said "Let's find something bigger!" And with that, we were on our way to our new home.

I remember standing in the kitchen the day we moved in. Almost everyone had settled into the backyard to swim and relax and I was talking to mom. I looked at her and said "Is this really my house?" I still feel that way some days...

Our home is so perfect for us! The boys share a room, Emma has her nursery right next to our master bedroom. The boys have their game room that keeps all the toys, kids' books and video games out from under our feet. The kitchen is great for cooking and visiting. And then there's the backyard...
This summer, like the last two, will be spent swimming and playing with friends and family. I'm sure we'll use the BBQ at least a few times. The pool will be filled with diving toys, floaties, some adventurous games of HORSE (feet sticking out of the water while their head's under water for the killer shot), and all the fun we could want. This is the pool where my daughter will learn how to swim. This is the place our family experiences fun, excitement and for me, serenity. This is HOME - the best place on earth. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am blessed and so grateful for it all.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So, it's way past Easter and we're almost ready to start birthday's in our house, but I wanted to post a picture from then - so I am!

Easter has always been a holiday I anxiously anticipate. It probably goes back to being a little girl and having my mom make us all matching outfits using the old kitchen curtains (Ang - do you remember them? I can see the picture in my mind from Grandma & Grandpa's house in Fort Shaw, our dresses were yellow and white...crazy what we remember....). Since that time I've always looked forward to Easter. The new clothes are a huge factor, but also the opportunity to remember the Savior.

Now, we're going back to the clothes. This year was pretty exciting for me because for the first time in my life I was buying an Easter dress for someone other than me! The little girl dresses are so cute and fun and I'd buy them all if my husband wouldn't kill me. Also, does a girl really need a dress for every day of the month? No, I tell myself, no!
This is also the only time that I really put my foot down with the boys to wear what I want them to wear. I think they're now realizing that sometimes it's just easier to do what Mom asks than to get into a discussion.
Even Ken was okay with the new tie. I really wanted to get him a dress shirt to match his tie, but I was pretty sure he would have considered it a frivolous expense and sadly, he'd be right!

So, without further ado, here's how they all looked in their new outfits I picked out....

For those of you wondering, Draven has a thing for bunny ears. We have LOADS of pictures where he has that sly look on his face and someone has bunny ears courtesy of Mr. Man...

Shallon had enough of pictures. It takes a while to get a 5 month old to look at the camera and smile. She finally did, but he'd lost interest by then.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Usery Mountain

I love scouts. I think it's a great way for boys to learn so many different things and such a fabulous way for their dads to be right there teaching them. I will clarify that I love scouts more now that I'm not a den leader and I just get to be moral support. Saturday was maybe pushing it though...

Our pack meeting this month was hiking to the Wind Caves. Ken had taken the boys on this hike a few months ago, but I'd never had the experience yet. This is us at the beginning of the trail. Notice the fabulous baby backpack? This was SOOOO wonderful to have - dad carried princess and I was able to concentrate on making it up the mountain. I guess I can start from the beginning. As we were first making our way up the mountain I was feeling pretty good. The trail was clearly marked and pretty easy. I had this great idea that on Saturday mornings Ken and I could get up early and bring the baby with us and hike this once a week. Ken was impressed with this idea but warned me that the trail got tougher. About three quarters of the way up the mountain, I told him I took it back. It was kicking my butt! I did power through it and even though I had a couple of brief stops on the way up, I got to the top and then had a nice long break! You might be able to see how red my face is...this is because I am absolutely exhausted! On the way down the mountain a friend told us about a hike at the Lost Dutchman. He said it's a loop, instead of up and down, and that it's not as much of a climb. I suggested to Ken that we check that hike out and maybe we can do the Lost Dutchman hike on a weekly basis and rotate in the Wind Caves once a month...I'll let you know how that goes.


One of the most wonderful things that can happen in a home with a baby has happened in our home. Our angel will fall asleep on her own in her bed. I make sure she has a full tummy and a clean diaper and she's out in a matter of minutes! I had been getting concerned a few weeks ago because we all love to hold her so much and it didn't seem like she would ever have a chance to figure out how to fall asleep on her own, but then it just happened. Now it's tough to remember what it was like to have to put her to sleep. She is SOOO sweet and such a blessing in our home!