Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So, it's way past Easter and we're almost ready to start birthday's in our house, but I wanted to post a picture from then - so I am!

Easter has always been a holiday I anxiously anticipate. It probably goes back to being a little girl and having my mom make us all matching outfits using the old kitchen curtains (Ang - do you remember them? I can see the picture in my mind from Grandma & Grandpa's house in Fort Shaw, our dresses were yellow and white...crazy what we remember....). Since that time I've always looked forward to Easter. The new clothes are a huge factor, but also the opportunity to remember the Savior.

Now, we're going back to the clothes. This year was pretty exciting for me because for the first time in my life I was buying an Easter dress for someone other than me! The little girl dresses are so cute and fun and I'd buy them all if my husband wouldn't kill me. Also, does a girl really need a dress for every day of the month? No, I tell myself, no!
This is also the only time that I really put my foot down with the boys to wear what I want them to wear. I think they're now realizing that sometimes it's just easier to do what Mom asks than to get into a discussion.
Even Ken was okay with the new tie. I really wanted to get him a dress shirt to match his tie, but I was pretty sure he would have considered it a frivolous expense and sadly, he'd be right!

So, without further ado, here's how they all looked in their new outfits I picked out....

For those of you wondering, Draven has a thing for bunny ears. We have LOADS of pictures where he has that sly look on his face and someone has bunny ears courtesy of Mr. Man...

Shallon had enough of pictures. It takes a while to get a 5 month old to look at the camera and smile. She finally did, but he'd lost interest by then.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute headband on that beautiful baby girl (hahaha). The fam looks great, sis!
