Tuesday, April 28, 2009


One of the most wonderful things that can happen in a home with a baby has happened in our home. Our angel will fall asleep on her own in her bed. I make sure she has a full tummy and a clean diaper and she's out in a matter of minutes! I had been getting concerned a few weeks ago because we all love to hold her so much and it didn't seem like she would ever have a chance to figure out how to fall asleep on her own, but then it just happened. Now it's tough to remember what it was like to have to put her to sleep. She is SOOO sweet and such a blessing in our home!


  1. YEAH! Always a happy day in the home of a baby!

  2. Hey,
    I'm happy you have a blog! Now we get to see, and read about all the exciting things that are going on in your family. Sweet baby girl fast to sleep! I will make sure I add you to my list of blogs I follow.

    Happy Blogging
