The rest of us went south for a few days. We took Draven and Emma to Old Tucson Studios, Tombstone, and the Biosphere. It was really fun to see so many different things and have some time with Draven and Emma (while we knew Shallon was in good hands too). Here are a fe
Friday, October 30, 2009
October Break
The rest of us went south for a few days. We took Draven and Emma to Old Tucson Studios, Tombstone, and the Biosphere. It was really fun to see so many different things and have some time with Draven and Emma (while we knew Shallon was in good hands too). Here are a fe
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Happy Birthday
Saturday, September 5, 2009
What I did on my summer vacation...
I briefly wrote about Sunday night when we arrived, which was our anniversary. On Monday morning Ken, Emma and I all got ready and we went and had a wonderful breakfast with Lawrence, Yeni, Montse and Tony. They are such a fun family and we are so grateful to be able to call them our family!
After our delicious, gourmet breakfast, we were on our way to one of the many parks we visited while in sunny, southern California.
Monday was our day at Wild Animal Park; it was so neat! They have so many different animals to see. We saw zebras, California condors, elephants, giraffes, gazelles, dik-diks, dinosaurs, gorillas and so many other an
One of the highlights that day was taking all the kids on their first ever carousel ride. This picture is a little deceiving, Emma doesn't look completely thrilled to be on the ride, but once it got started she LOVED it!
Emma had fallen asleep in her stroller, so I stayed with her while Ken took the boys into the petting zoo. Here they are with some sort of African plains animal. I just keep thinking what a cool opportunity this was - not all kids, or adults, get to have these types of experiences...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Daddy - Daughter Time
Here in Arizona we have garbage day (Tuesday morning) and recycle day (Friday morning). My sweet husband takes out the bins on Monday and Thursday nights when he gets home from work. Then on Tuesday and Friday when he gets home from work, he puts them away. For the last month or so, this has been something that Emma does with him. He'll come in the house to get her and they go out together to put the bins on the curb or to put them away in the garage and backyard. It's not a huge deal, but it's so fun for them to have that time together. Ken was telling me last night that he enjoys that time with her, and by the looks she gives Ken, I know that Emma loves the time she gets to spend alone with him. They have a beautiful bond.
I am so thankful for daddys and how much they love their little girls.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Two Wonderful Years
Ken and I celebrated our anniversary driving to San Diego - yeah, we know how to party!
It was the first day of our family vacation and his good friend Lawrence and his wife, Yeni, agreed to have the kids for us that night so we could celebrate on our own. We drove to their place and had a nice time visiting with Yeni and the kids (Lawrence was still at work) and as we were getting the kids stuff to bring in the house I decided we'd take little miss with us. Yeni is an awesome mom and the kids are always so helpful with Emma, but she was a little out of sorts (she'd just had surgery 4 days earlier) and I didn't want her to be a handful. Or worse yet, I didn't want to get a call at 10 that they wanted us to come pick her up. Now, as far as southern California is concerned they lived close to where we were staying, but in real life it was about 30-45 minutes away. Driving in the car for almost 2 hours that close to midnight wasn't an appealing thought, so we just had Emma come with us.
It was so sweet of Lawrence and Yeni to keep the boys and I think they were so glad to have a friend to play with and a Wii to play on. They had a blast!
Ken and I got checked in to the hotel, unpacked our bags and got read for dinner. We went over to the restaurant right next to the hotel, The Red Marlin, and enjoyed a delicious meal and some great time together.
During our meal, my sneaky husband went off and found our waiter. Ken told him it was our anniversary and asked if there was anything they could do. Now, as we were eating I thought about doing something like that, but sweet Ken did it. He's so good to me - just fun little things like that mean a lot to me. It's just so nice!
Anyway, it truly has been two wonderful years. I'm so glad that I found Ken and that he asked me to be his wife. My life has been blessed beyond measure and I'm sure it will continue as time goes on.
Emma was born with a mole on her left ankle. It's kind of interesting because while I was pregnant with her I had moles removed on my face. Anyway, the pediatrician said to watch it and see if it got any bigger or darker. I didn't think it was getting bigger or darker, but at her 6 month check up he asked me to take her to a dermatologist and have it biopsied. A couple of weeks later the results came back and the mole was A-typical (I believe that's what it's called). Basically it meant that the mole could turn cancerous. Not cool! We were sent to a pediatric plastic surgeon in Phoenix so we could get the low down on how they'd remove it and when we could get in to have it done.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Utah Trip (conclusion)
Monday, after taking Ken to the airport so he could get back to work, we packed up the car to head back to Arizona. Our original plan was to drive to St. George, stay the night with my Grandma at her condo, and then drive back to Mesa the next day. Saturday morning I got a call from her telling me she wouldn't be there but we were still welcome to stay. I asked what was going on that she wouldn't be around and found out she had a boyfriend! Isn't that awesome?!? A little background, my grandpa passed away 13 years ago. Grandma has served two missions and just kind of figured she would finish this life on her own. It turns out that there was another plan. She had been praying for guidance about what to do with her life, and Lincoln had been praying for a wife! He is a very sweet, kind and loving man and treats Grandma like a princess. They are so cute together and I'm thrilled that they found each other.
Just so you know, we met Grandma and Lincoln in Provo/Orem to visit and have lunch. It was a really nice time. We drove to St. George, spent the night and got home Tuesday evening, safe and sound. I had just enough time to wash all our laundry, make sure the house was clean and relax for about 5 minutes before we headed out for our family vacation! I'll put that in another post...
Utah Trip (part 3)
Utah Trip (part 2) AKA the GIANT Slip'n'Slide
Thanks Uncle Brent for having such a cool yard and making the wonderful slide for them to enjoy!
Monday, August 10, 2009
What do you get when...
Here's the answer:
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Utah Trip (part 1)
That night we met Grandma and Grandpa for dinner and then they took us to Uncle Brent and Aunt Ann's to see their super cool yard! It was so much fun (and there will be more on the yard later). Grandpa took Emma down the slide, the boys played tether ball (I think I even played a game with each of them) and then there was a little basketball action too. Really a super fun place for kids to play. Grandma and Grandpa took a break on the swing and Emma had a nice time relaxing with them - pretty cute!
What a month!
I have plenty to write about the rest of the month, but to give myself a little break I'll put that stuff in different posts! Keep close for the rest of the update...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Meal Time
Emma's getting to be quite the good little eater. She's even figuring out how to pick up cheerios and put them in her mouth! I'm impressed with that...Anyway, she's a pretty messy eater. It seems to me she gets particularly messy when dad feeds her. So, this afternoon dad had been feeding her until his sno cone was ready and then I took over. She ate a little more of the turkey and rice dinner and then she wanted to look out the window at the brothers playing in the pool. Dad had gone outside too so Emma and I were the only ones in the house when I started cleaning her up.
I guess it's important to back up for a brief moment. In the last week or so, Emma has started saying 'Mamamama' and "Dadadada'. She doesn't always say it when she sees us, or even when she wants us, but she is well aware of the fact that she's saying something we like to hear!
Anyway, back to cleaning her up. I got the washcloth and started wiping her face and hands and she got MAD! She was fussing and crying and started saying 'Dadadada'. I just laughed at her and said "You're okay and Dad's not going to come and save you. You need to get cleaned up."
Ken says that she didn't know what she was saying - which is probably true, but I thought it was really funny that she said that when I was cleaning her and not 'Mamama'!