Saturday, June 13, 2009

Father's & Son's Camp-out

So, this is pretty late (maybe only a month over due) but I thought I'd still post about it!

Ken and the boys headed up Friday after work - that was an adventure itself. On their way out of town the Xterra overheated. The poor boys remembered the time my dad was taking them to a Father's & Son's campout and had car trouble so they didn't end up going. Shallon & Draven were both telling Ken about that and so he was determined to make sure they made it up and had a great time (what an awesome dad he is!!!).

They did get up there without too much trouble and found the campground. The boys had a great time playing pine cone wars and hanging out with all their friends. Ken had a nice time visiting with the men from our ward. Saturday morning they got up and went fishing. Ken bought his first ever fishing license and now is excited to use it more with the boys this summer.

They arrived back home Saturday afternoon and were all thrilled to see me and Emma again - and we were so glad to have them back home safe.

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