Sunday, June 28, 2009

Meal Time

Emma's getting to be quite the good little eater. She's even figuring out how to pick up cheerios and put them in her mouth! I'm impressed with that...Anyway, she's a pretty messy eater. It seems to me she gets particularly messy when dad feeds her. So, this afternoon dad had been feeding her until his sno cone was ready and then I took over. She ate a little more of the turkey and rice dinner and then she wanted to look out the window at the brothers playing in the pool. Dad had gone outside too so Emma and I were the only ones in the house when I started cleaning her up.

I guess it's important to back up for a brief moment. In the last week or so, Emma has started saying 'Mamamama' and "Dadadada'. She doesn't always say it when she sees us, or even when she wants us, but she is well aware of the fact that she's saying something we like to hear!

Anyway, back to cleaning her up. I got the washcloth and started wiping her face and hands and she got MAD! She was fussing and crying and started saying 'Dadadada'. I just laughed at her and said "You're okay and Dad's not going to come and save you. You need to get cleaned up."
Ken says that she didn't know what she was saying - which is probably true, but I thought it was really funny that she said that when I was cleaning her and not 'Mamama'!

Happy Birthday Draven!

Nine years ago today, Draven was born into our family. It was very special welcoming another little boy into the family and we've loved having him. He's always great to make a joke or a funny face - and now that Emma's here he has a constant audience.
This morning we started out with raspberry filled glazed donuts for a special breakfast. Then off to church. When we got home, I put some steaks on the BBQ - that was his request for his birthday meal. Once we finished eating, I made some homemade ice cream sandwiches using chocolate chip/chunk cookies as the 'bread'. Finally, it was time for presents! Shallon gave him a couple of bakugan, and Emma pitched in on our gifts. From us he got a bakugan activity book (word finds, mazes, etc.), a couple of shirts, and finally - a sno cone machine and all the stuff to use with it!!! The boys have been dying to have one, and I suggested that Draven ask for one for his birthday. After dad, Emma and I took our afternoon naps, we got out the sno cone machine and had a maiden voyage! It's pretty fancy how well it works and once the boys each had their cones, they enjoyed soaking their feet in the pool while they ate.
Draven, we love you and are so glad you're our son! Happy Birthday!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mommmm, I'm bored......

So, this maybe wasn't exactly what was said, but it was close! Shallon finally decided that we could play Slap Jack and that would keep us busy for a while. While Shallon got the cards ready, I was doing laundry. Emma had just woken up from her nap and so I stuck her in a laundry basket with a toy - to keep her in one spot and busy. When I was done with the laundry and ready to come into the kitchen I decided to push her into the other room while she was still in the basket - she liked it! Well, then the boys got the idea to push her around in the basket. Since they can move a LOT faster than Emma, they decided to protect her with a couple of pillows from the couch. They were going back and forth from the family room to the front door, making tunnels (by standing with their legs spread so the basket could go between their legs) and bridges (standing on a chair and leaning against the couch or hands on the counter and feet on the island). Maybe the cutest part about the bridges and tunnels - Emma would duck her head when she was going under their legs!

I told the boys that this is what we used to do when I was little. It's so wonderful to see the kids playing together and to know how much they all love each other - even if the boys drive each other crazy at times and if Emma is so much younger than the boys. We have a wonderful family and we are truly blessed!

Father's Day

This year for Father's Day I was really racking my brain about what to get Ken. He's got most things he wants or needs and if he doesn't he'll usually get it himself. He's just very efficient. Also, as much as I love to buy him clothes, he doesn't really need anything new now and I'm not at a place where I even want to think about clothes shopping!

So as I contemplated all the different options I remembered the kids paint-time card in my wallet for As You Wish (a paint-it-yourself pottery place). I called and found out that there was still time to go in and work our magic and pick it up before Sunday!

We set out the next afternoon, after Emma's nap, and picked out the plate. Then everyone got some paint and we sat down to work. I thought I knew how to do hand prints, but I don't know if I've ever done hand prints with an almost 8 month old baby. It didn't work so well...thankfully, the sweet people that work at the store are more than happy to lend assistance! The gal came over and wiped off the bad prints and then helped us get all the kids hand prints on completely (when Shallon first put his on we were missing the bottom 2/3 of his palm). On the rim of the plate we wrote "Our Dad's The Best Hands Down!!!" The boys thought that Ken would particularly like this because it's cheesy.
We love our dad so much and we are forever grateful that he chose to be the dad in our family!

Swim Time

A few weeks ago the boys wanted to go swimming at our local pool on Saturday so their dad could see where they practice swim team all week. It was a really nice time. The boys were able to go down the slide and off all the diving boards (two regular boards and one high dive). It was really fun for them because during the week they only get to swim laps.

One of the really fun things about this pool is that it has 0 ft entry. Basically, it's like a wading pool and it just gets deeper as you go in further. It was so awesome for little Emma because she could sit and play in the water and relax and have a great time. It was super fun to watch her in the water and it also made me realize how much she loves her big brothers and how much they play with her! While she was sitting in the water she was watching all the big kids in the pool. Whenever any of them came walking towards her she would smile and watch them pass. I could almost hear her saying "I'm here and cute and I'll laugh and smile if you do something fun for me."
It was lots of fun to just relax and enjoy the beautiful Arizona weather. Summer time is great!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Fun

This year before school got out, Ken and I had a few lengthy discussions about summer activities. I wanted the boys to have some structure and I didn't want to hear "I'm bored, there's nothing to do!" So we made a plan - swim team in the mornings and martial arts at night. Monday through Thursday they boys have swim team practice from 8-10am. This is done through the city and they learn all sorts of different strokes and really work hard. Also, they have competitive meets on Thursday nights to see how well the kids are doing. This last week was our first meet and it lasted forever! I think that almost every other parent in the city decided to put their kids in swim team...

Here's Draven in his race - he's on the second block from the right. It was really fun to watch him and Shallon swim and to see how much they've already improved in just the few weeks they've been doing swim team!

Shallon's race was shortly after Draven's (and by shortly I mean the girls Shallon's age went between them but it was still 45 minutes to an hour later). Shallon is wearing the bright blue trunks on the second from the left block. I did get pictures of them finishing their races, but since it's just a dark head and a hand coming out of the water, I decided not to post those!

Now, about martial arts. Shallon is taking a Karate class on Monday and Wednesday nights. He's got about 8-10 different instructors and there's gotta be close to 35 kids in the class. It's really good for Shallon because it gives him lots of people to learn with and a chance to excel. Draven is taking Aikido on Tuesday and Thursday nights. He's got just the one instructor and there are about 12 kids in his class. This worked out really well because it's a smaller environment for Draven to learn in and he's only got one person to listen to and follow their instructions. When I signed them up I had no idea it would work out this well. Shallon and I have discussed continuing his Karate classes into the fall - we had to since it was soccer sign-ups. We determined that soccer and karate would be too much to do and might even have conflicting practices. So, we'll see how far this will take us. For now, we're just busy and enjoying the little bit of free time we have during the day and on Friday's.

Oh, I guess I can also add that we're still doing piano lessons this summer, and I've challenged the boys to each read a book a week (or every two weeks if it's a really long book). That way we don't get too far from our school year schedule.

Family Visit

Lots of love and sweet-ness from Emma to her grand-parents and they gave it all right back to her. Also, that new little baby cousin of hers had plenty of love to share! Russel wasn't real cuddly - he's too busy for that - but he sure had lots of fun exploring everything. He didn't like the rough-housing in the pool though - he's a lover, not a fighter.

Now, isn't this a beautiful family? Their littlest one is cuddling with grandma and taking a nice little snooze while everyone is enjoying some time in the water. Russel REALLY liked being able to see his belly button. He usually wears a onesie so it was fun seeing him pull up his shirt and giggle when he could see and touch his belly button! What a fun little boy!

These two cute kids sitting by each other are almost exactly one year apart (Russel was born on Halloween and Emma was born the 29th of October the next year). It's so fun to see the kids together! As a mom, I like to see how big the cousins get so quickly and then it makes me think that in not too much more time that's where Emma will be and all the fun things she'll be doing!

We had a great visit with Ken's parents and his youngest brother, his wife and their two sons over Memorial Day weekend. The picture above is one of the many tricks they performed while playing in the pool on Saturday. The other tricks were walking under water with someone standing on their shoulders, throwing people across the pool and, of course, wave pool. Wave pool is where Ken will hold one of the boys in his arms and jumps up and down causing the water to swell and go over the edge. It's pretty fun to watch and the boys seem to really love it when their dad does that with them.
We had such a great time and we love to see family and have fun playing and visiting! Thanks for coming to AZ and next time we'll see you at your houses!

Father's & Son's Camp-out

So, this is pretty late (maybe only a month over due) but I thought I'd still post about it!

Ken and the boys headed up Friday after work - that was an adventure itself. On their way out of town the Xterra overheated. The poor boys remembered the time my dad was taking them to a Father's & Son's campout and had car trouble so they didn't end up going. Shallon & Draven were both telling Ken about that and so he was determined to make sure they made it up and had a great time (what an awesome dad he is!!!).

They did get up there without too much trouble and found the campground. The boys had a great time playing pine cone wars and hanging out with all their friends. Ken had a nice time visiting with the men from our ward. Saturday morning they got up and went fishing. Ken bought his first ever fishing license and now is excited to use it more with the boys this summer.

They arrived back home Saturday afternoon and were all thrilled to see me and Emma again - and we were so glad to have them back home safe.